Friday, July 29, 2011

Wuthering Heights #2

The causes, gains, and loses are a big part of a novel's plot. These are the things that lead up to the climax, or it could even be the climax. In Wuthering Heights, there numerous amounts of causes, gains, and loses. When I think about causes and loses, I automatically think about Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Heathcliff and Catherine were madly in love, but for some reason Catherine agrees to marry Edgar Linton. She does this because she wants to move up socially, even though she is in love with Heathcliff. There seem to be many deaths throughout this novel. Many people pass away, but one important death was Catherine Earnshaw. She died while giving birth to her only daughter. She was named after her mother, Catherine. This was a major lose because one of the main characters lost their life.

Now, trying to find some causes and gains in this novel was a little bit harder than the loses. I believe that all love is a gain. And there were a lot of people falling in love. Heathcliff and Catherine started it all, but that did not turn out too great. One couple that did turn out great was towards the end of the book. Hareton Earnshaw and Catherine Linton fall in love and it does turn out great. There are actually several gains. This is just one.

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