Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Good Readers and Good Writers" #6

There are several methods one can use to start off an essay or an introduction. The six that come to mind are: Defining a Word or Phrase, Turn About, Asking Questions, Using an Anecdote, Using Quotation, and the Funnel Method. In "Good Readers and Good Writers", Vladimir Nabokov used the Using the Quotation method. A reader can figure this out just by reading the first paragraph of the essay. In the introduction this quote is used: "What a scholar one might be if one knew well only some half a dozen books." This quote suggests how better off one would be if he read. Another method that was used is Asking Question. "Can we expect to glean information about places and times from a novel?" was one question asked by Nabokov. He is asking if readers can except information in the novels given by the author.
As for the conclusion of the essay, I noticed that it was not as organized as the introduction and the rest of the essay. The last paragraph of the essay focuses more on the skills of being a good writer. It just emphasizes the four keys of being a good writer. It does not sum up the essay, or talks about the thesis. So there really is no conclusion paragraph for this essay.

1 comment:

  1. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
