Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Why Read the Classics?" #6

Defining a Word or Phrase, Turn About, Asking Questions, Using an Anecdote, Using Quotation, and the Funnel Method are the six methods used to organize introductions. If it is possible, the introduction must be the whole first chapter. The title of the first chapter is "Why Read the Classics?" so that must mean that the whole chapter is leading up to what the essay is about. The method used in the introduction is Defining a Word or Phrase. I can tell that it is Defining a Word or Phrase easily just because of all of the definitions given by Calvino. Defining is a good idea because telling the readers what the definition of a classic is will interest them and they will want to read on.

As for the conclusion of the essay, it is extremely similar to the conclusion of "Good Readers and Good Writers". Neither of these essays really have a strong conclusion. Calvino's conclusion just talks about a Russian author named Tolstoy. This really has nothing to do with his whole essay, which is about reading classics. He talks about how Tolstoy thinks outside of the box, and somehow that can relate to the classics because they are unique. And that is what makes them classics.

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