Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Good Readers and Good Writers" #5

The way a writer organizes his essay says a lot about that writer. It is very important to be organized with your writing. There is no need to confuse the readers. There are four different types of organizing writing. And they are spatial, chronological, logical, and logical. Vladimir Nabokov organized his essay, "Good Readers and Good Writers" spatially. Spatial organization describes things because of where they are located and what they are related to. It has many details, helps to compare things, and gives directions. To start off, this essay gives directions on how to be a good reader. An excellent example is when Nabokov gives the little quiz he made up for the readers to take.This quiz is located on the second page of the essay. It has ten definitions of a good reader, and then you choose four that you think applies to being a good reader. So he is giving directions to the reader. Then it moves on to directions on how to be a good writer. It also compares these two skills. Therefore, Nabokov organized this essay using spatial organization. Mainly because he is giving directions to the readers and using great detail while doing it.

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