Monday, August 1, 2011

Wuthering Heights #7

A numerous amount of things come to mind when I think about techniques that the author may use. One technique that I noticed in Bronte's writing was suspense. Suspense is always a good technique to use to keep the reader interested. If you use suspense the reader will keep on reading because they will want to know what happens next. For example, the complicated relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine can be suspenseful at times. When Catherine agreed to marry Edgar, the readers would want to keep reading to see why Catherine agreed to it and what Heathcliff's reaction would be. Also, after seeing Heathcliff's reaction readers would want to keep reading to see what Heathcliff would do to get revenge.

Another technique used by Bronte would be symbolism. Symbolism is when the author uses an object to express a deeper meaning in the story. One symbol in this novel would be the moors. Moors are a type of landscape that always describe the setting in Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff and Catherine would often play in the moors as children. In this way the moors are symbolic because this adds to their love affair that the two had. These are just a couple techniques that stood out to me in Bronte's writing.

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