Friday, August 19, 2011

Jane Eyre #9: Tone

The author's tone, or attitude of a novel is very important. It shows how the author feels and it effects the feelings and opinions of the reader as well. In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte shows a numerous amount of tones or attitudes that she has about her novel. The very first one that I noticed was independence. I saw this tone in the very beginning of the story, and I noticed it because of the main character, Jane. She is very independent. She does not let anyone push her around and she gets by on her own. She always thinks like that and it shows. Another tone that I saw was romance. Bronte's writing was very romantic. There was always someone falling in love. Especially Jane. She found friends, family, and the love of her life. This tone was set towards the end of the story, but the tone was very strong. The tone was also sad and depressing at times, especially in the beginning of the story when she is mistreated by her aunt. And also when she is sent to the orphanage. Therefore, those are just three tones that I noticed Bronte set. There are many more throughout the story.

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