Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jane Eyre #4

Somehow, someway, there is always a hero in a novel. In the novel Jane Eyre, I believe that Jane Eyre is the hero. She is a hero for herself. Her heroism is one of independence and intelligence. As an orphan she is clearly unhappy, but she sticks through it. When she is sent to school she is independent, especially when she loses her only friend, Helen. She is strong and holds herself together. Even when the typhus epidemic, she struggles through it. This shows that she really is a hero. She finds herself many jobs as a teacher, and after working at Thornfield, she finds herself out on the streets. Jane fends for herself and overcomes her hunger and being broke. Eventually she finds a job and her employer just so happens to be her cousin, St. John Rivers. He informs Jane that her uncle passed away and he left her 20,000 pounds. She also encounters Rochester again, and they get married since his wife passed away as well. They have a baby boy and everything turns out great. Everything turns out great for Jane because of how tough and independent she was. She was definitely her own hero and she showed in numerous times throughout the novel.

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