Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jane Eyre #1

The perspective of a novel is the author's point of view in which it was written. The novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, is in first person. Also, the narrator of the story is Jane Eyre. So it is from Jane's perspective. I know that the point of view is first person because in the story Jane uses words such as I, me, my, and mine. As for attitude, an author's attitude in a novel is much like the author's tone. Bronte's attitude or tone in this novel is very romantic. There are a number of people falling in love and asking one another to get married. Early in the novel after Jane is sent of to school and she becomes a teacher there, she gets a different job teaching Adele. Jane's employer, Rochester, is a man she falls in love with. So that is an example as to why the tone is romantic. Also very early in the story, the attitude seems to be more gloomy and depressing. It is depressing because in the beginning Jane is an orphan and she is mistreated as she is being raised. Then she is sent of to school where the lifestyle is hard and strict as well as a few of the teachers. After that things get a little bit better for Jane but as of the beginning of the story, the attitude set was gloomy and depressing.

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