Friday, August 19, 2011

Jane Eyre #8

If a classic novel is written, this novel's history must be reflected accurately. In the novel Jane Eyre, Bronte does an excellent job with the history. The main difference between back then when the novel was written and now, is the social classes. Back then there were social classes depending on how much money you had or how much land you owned. Now, it does not really matter how much money you have or how much property you have. All in all people are somewhat treated the same. We do not have slaves and we do not abuse and neglect the people that do not have as much money as us. Back in the 1800's there were social classes everywhere. For example, when Jane was sent to an orphanage, she was treated very poorly. This is because orphans are a much lower class so they were neglected. As for blacks and whites, that was not really noticeable in the novel. Also, the rights that women had compared to men did not seem that different. They could own land, however I am not sure if they were allowed to buy it. So the history was reflected accurately because there were social classes back then.

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