Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jane Eyre #2

When it comes to the novel Jane Eyre, there are a numerous amount of gains and loses. There are gains, but most of them do not show up until a little later in the novel. Jane starts out the story as an orphan. So that right there is already a loss. She lost her family and now she has to live with someone else who does not treat her right. Then Jane is sent of to school. That could be counted as a gain because Jane is getting away from her so called "family". When she is at this school she meets Helen Burns, who becomes her friend. But, with a gain, sometimes comes a loss. Later on Helen dies from a typhus epidemic that swept the school. Helen was Jane's only friend at the school, and Jane spent the rest of her years there lonely. After the school, Jane finds a job as a teacher of Adele. Rochester is the man that gave her the job, and she later comes to find that she has fallen in love with this man. That is gain, but as I pointed out earlier in the blog, with a gain, comes a loss. Rochester did ask for Jane's hand in marriage, but she soon finds out that Rochester is married and he has been hiding his crazy wife on the third floor of Thornfield. In the end, there was a fire and his wife dies, so Rochester and Jane get married. This gain is a cause to another gain, a little baby boy. Therefore, there are many gains, causes, and loses in this novel.

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